About Me

Hey there! I’m Ellen, your friendly multitasking aficionado, juggling a plethora of roles – wife, mom, stepmom, grandmother, sister, daughter, cat lover, professional, writer, reader, blog author, cook, gardener, organizer, homeowner, and consumer. 

It’s been a wild ride during my 29-year marriage, raising four incredible kids, a mix of stepchildren and ones with my husband. Even though they’ve all taken flight, we make it a point to keep the conversations and visits flowing.

My story started in California’s Silicon Valley, back when it was more orchards than tech hubs. Armed with degrees in Sociology and a master’s in international management, I kicked off my adventures teaching English in Costa Rica. From there, I wore the hat as a substitute teacher and town office administrator before diving headfirst into the nuclear industry.

Over my 27-year nuclear odyssey, I danced through roles in Human Resources to Human Performance and Management. My journey took me to over a dozen plants worldwide, including a fascinating assessment in a Chinese nuclear power plant.

Beyond the professional hustle, you’ll find me knee-deep in interests like gardening, home decorating, cooking, and wandering the globe. Now rooted in the beauty of Cape Cod, I’ve transitioned from the early morning to evening shifts in nuclear work. My current mission? To establish a blog that informs and inspires as well as sprucing up my gardens, perfecting the home sweet home, and reflecting on career and life lessons.

Thrilled to take you along for the ride and share the lessons I’ve picked up along the way!

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