Woman and Cat

Hey, wonderful people! Welcome to my first-ever post!

Picture this: 27 years deep into the fascinating world of nuclear power plants. The gig was no joke – demanding 12-hour workdays, six days a week. I took my role seriously because, you know, public safety was on the line. Analyzing plant performance, chasing improvements, and evaluating strategies became my daily jam.

One major plot twist in this journey was a project that stole the spotlight – the Root Cause Evaluation (RCE) of an incident at the nuclear site. This baby took over my life from May to November. I’m talking thorough evaluations, revisions, and reviews that even earned a nod from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Intense? You bet.

As I wrapped up this rollercoaster assignment, I decided it was time for a change. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the nuclear gig and the invaluable lessons it threw my way, but I was hungry for a broader life perspective.

And here we are, on the flip side of my nuclear career, diving into uncharted waters. I’m on the hunt for new experiences including travelremodeling my home, fixing my gardens, and feeling insecure and excited with all this change. I’m stoked to take you along for the ride. This blog is going to be my trusty sidekick, documenting the twists and turns of my transition. Get ready for the inside scoop on pivotal moments in my garden, home, and life – because the adventure is just beginning! 🌟

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